Enrico Letta – Former President of the Italian Council and President of the Jacques Delors Institute, in charge of a high-level report on the future of the EU’s internal market

Mis en ligne le 08 Jan 2024

Enrico Letta was born in 1969 in Pisa, Italy and he was prime minister of Italy between April 2013 and February 2014. He starts its political career in the 1990s firstly in the Christian Democrats (EPP) and from 1993 in the Italian Popular Party (ALDE). He became the youngest minister in Italian history in 1998 as European affairs minister of the D’Alema government (Social democrats, S&D). In 2004 he becomes Member of the European Parliament for the first time as member of the Economic and monetary affairs and of the Enlargement committees.

In 2007 he becomes one of the founding members of the Democratic Party (S&D) of which he will be a leading member up until his election as Prime Minister in April 2013. His government was characterized by his handling of the aftermath of the Sovereign Debt crisis and by its strong pro-Eu stances. After his year as prime minister, he became in 2015 director of the ‘École d’affaires internationals” in SciencesPo Paris, and president of the Delors Institute in 2016.

After a period back into active politics between 2021 and 2022, he received in 2023 the mandate by the European Commission, and the Spanish and Belgian Presidencies of the Council, to compile “an independent High-Level Report on the future of the Single Market. This report will be officially presented to the Member states in March 2024.