Jeudi 27 juin 2024
En distanciel uniquement
- “From a Capital Markets Union to a Savings and Investments Union: Proposals for the next parliamentary term?”, conférence organisée par l’EESC – European Economic and Social Committee
- A noter : Intervention de Delphine de Chaisemartin, directrice générale adjointe de l’AFG “How to boost cross-border financial activity and increase the appetite for pan-European products” (11h30-12h00)
The Capital Markets Union (CMU) is an initiative that was launched in 2014 as a plan envisaged at creating a single market for capital in the EU. The CMU Action Plans of 2015 and 2020 contained a number of measures to deliver on that objective. Despite these efforts, the CMU remains incomplete. In March 2024, the Eurogroup in inclusive format adopted a statement on the future of the CMU. In April 2024, Enrico Letta, in his report “Much more than a market” proposed the creation of a Savings and Investments Union upon the incomplete CMU.
The statement of the Eurogroup invites the European Commission to act on a number of aspects, such as supervision, further integration of markets infrastructure, cross-border investments, common investment products, and to improve the usability of the EU sustainable finance framework. The Letta report, for its part, contains a number of proposals to create a single market for financial services that mobilises the savings towards investments and increases the EU’s attractiveness among foreign investors.
In this context, the ECO Section holds an event with the objective to discuss on the abovementioned matters. We will have representatives from the institutional sector, as well as stakeholders from the civil society.