To enhance the sector’s inclusiveness, the AFG has launched the Diversity working group, a vector of competitiveness in 2019 transformed into a Club in 2024. Convinced that diversities are a performance factor for companies as much as for Society, the Diversities Club aims to support asset managers, particularly small and medium-sized management companies, in implementing an inclusion strategy and actions in favor of greater diversity within them, as well as in their investments. Over and above their legal obligations, the aim is to help them develop their corporate and governance responsibilities, and share their best practices. Diversity within teams is both a social issue and a strategic economic imperative. Companies with ambitious Diversity and Inclusion policies are more efficient, creative and innovative. Plurality of backgrounds is essential to making the best investment decisions, and is a major challenge for our ecosystem.
Promote diversity issues within the asset management sector through : :
- Publication of best practice guides;
- Measuring diversity through surveys;
- Informing and training members on all regulations and their application;
- Facilitating exchanges with service providers in the ecosystem;
- Disseminating knowledge about the asset management professions (attracting talent);
- Organizing conferences and presentations for AFG members on diversity-related topics.
- Encouraging exchanges and synergies between Club members.
The Diversity Club is structured around two instances:
- The Diversity and inclusion Club plenary session, which meets every six months.
- The Diversity and inclusion Club Bureau, which meets every month.
The Club is run by the Research and Communications departments. Meetings are held according to a schedule drawn up by the Board and approved by the President of the Diversity Club.