The AFG’s Corporate Governance Committee brings together representatives of asset management companies (AMCs) involved in voting at listed companies’ general meetings, as well as the AFG’s dedicated expert on these issues.
Its main role is to formulate recommendations on corporate governance, covering the good governance practices expected of issuers by investors. It analyzes developments in corporate governance and financial communication practices, in particular to prepare resolutions to be put to the vote, while keeping abreast of changes in listed company law at both national and European level.
The Committee actively participates in national and European consultations on these subjects, in collaboration with the other AFG Committees. It also contributes to sector-specific work with public authorities and professional associations. Finally, it monitors developments in corporate governance rules and, if necessary, proposes regulatory advances in the areas it covers.
- Regular updating of the AFG’s Corporate Governance Recommendations, a set of best governance practices expected of issuers by investors. The Commission’s work is based on an analysis of changes in corporate governance practices, financial communication with a view to voting on resolutions, and changes in French and European regulations governing listed companies.
- Respond to French and European consultations and questions on governance and voting issues, in partnership with other AFG Commissions and Committees;
- Participate in work with public authorities and other professional associations, and
- To keep abreast of proposed changes in French and European regulations governing listed companies, and to propose any regulatory advances in the areas covered by the Commission.