Financing the Economy

Companies need funding to drive their growth, digital transformation, and zero-carbon initiatives. They rely on asset managers to provide the financial resources required to achieve these objectives.

Creating jobs

Asset managers finance companies in several ways:

By buying shares, they enhance the company’s value and become its shareholders.

By acquiring a portion of its debt, they provide essential funding and become creditors.

Asset managers finance all businesses:

From local SMEs and emerging tech startups to publicly listed companies and CAC 40 groups, their financing meets a broad spectrum of needs. It offers solutions for short-term cash flow, as well as medium- and long-term funding through both equity and debt.

The image shows two main categories of investment in France, illustrated by icons:

- 1,070 billion euros invested in equities: 79% in large companies and 21% in SMEs.  The associated icon shows a pie chart and histogram.

- 1,750 billion invested in bonds: 55% in corporate bonds and 45% in government bonds. The associated icon represents a signed document and a pen.

Asset management is a cornerstone of the economy.

By investing savings in companies and innovative projects, asset management enhances competitiveness, fosters the development of new skills, and promotes full employment.

Diagram representing French-registered Organismes de Placement Collectif (OPC). It illustrates 2,279 billion euros invested out of a total of 4,600 billion euros in assets managed by members.

Breakdown of investments :
- 19% Money market - 444 billion euros
- 15% Securitization funds - 344 billion euros
- 14 % Bonds - 311 billion euros
- 10% Real estate - 220 billion euros
- 16% Diversified and structured - 356 billion euros
- 20% Equities - 461 billion euros
- 6% Private equity - 143 billion euros

The image uses a colored pie chart to represent these categories, with pictograms associated with certain investments (e.g. buildings for real estate, graph for equities).

Breakdown of assets under management by type

To support major projects

Financing States and infrastructure projects is a key role of asset management.

The relocation of strategic industries, the transition to renewable energy, the development of 5G networks, the construction of highways and airports, social housing initiatives, and pension financing are all critical projects that demand significant long-term investment.

Around the world, asset managers are playing an increasing role in financing these infrastructures and systems, which benefit the greatest number of people. They enable savers in turn to invest their savings in major projects.

Stylized graph representing an ascending growth curve with bars of different heights, accompanied by the text: '€800bn - Outstanding government securities held by asset managers in France'.