Mobilized players

In France, asset managers support the companies they invest in on their journey towards a more sustainable and equitable economy.

Selection Based on ESG Criteria (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

Priority to companies that contribute to the common good, beyond the financial.

Shareholder engagement

To support the ecological and social transition of businesses and the transformation of their
governance practices.

Voting on resolutions at the Annual General Meeting

To influence the company’s choices. This action is encouraged by the AFG, which sends alerts to its members in the event of non-compliant resolutions and publishes them on its website.

Value sharing within the company

Providing an employee savings scheme for your team can influence the selection of asset managers.

Investing in sustainable finance through the ISR Label (Socially Responsible Investment):

It enables the identification of sustainable funds that invest in companies across various sectors, balancing economic performance with social impact.

Infographic presenting key figures on employee savings schemes. On the left, an icon representing three people in suits illustrates the '416,000 companies' concerned. In the center, a light bulb symbolizing an idea highlights that '90.7% of SMEs have an employee savings plan'. On the right, a graph with a magnifying glass illustrates that '12,000,000 employees are beneficiaries' of these schemes.