A strategic industry

Promoting the competitiveness of asset management to finance the economy and guarantee France’s strategic autonomy

Geographical allocation of EU equity funds

AFG’s objectives

We promote a clear, competitive and harmonized regulatory framework, applicable to all asset management players.

It should enable European asset managers to compete on an equal footing internationally, and thus ensure the autonomy of EU funding.

Harmonised and enforceable regulations are essential if we are to finance the transition more effectively:

  • Clear and understandable definitions
  • Enhancing the social and environmental dimensions of European economic models
  • Ensuring that regulations are consistent with one another and that their application is properly coordinated

A framework for ESG data with transparency obligations on the source and processing models, a determining factor in investment decisions. Implementation of ESAP for access to financial and non-financial information.
An inclusive vision of sustainable finance: all companies should be supported, whether they are 100% ‘green’ or in transition. Effective corporate governance with fair representation of investor shareholders.

Tomorrow, the European asset management industry will be gaining market share.