AFG publishes four-page brochure presenting the « UCITS ETF : a unique European format ».
- The vast majority of exchange-traded funds managed in the European Union are subject to the common European Community well-known protective Directive 2009/65/EC (UCITS Directive) framework. The UCITS rules apply in the same pan-European harmonized manner to all UCITS ETFs indistinctively, from day one of operation and during their entire life.
- A UCITS ETF can be clearly identified by European investors as it uses the identifier “UCITS ETF” as required by ESMA in all EU languages. This identifier is used in the fund’s name, pre-contractual (key investor information) document (“KIID”), prospectus, marketing communications
and rules of incorporation. - This unique identifier evidences three important features:
- The vehicle is fundamentally an investment fund;
- The fund is a UCITS ;
- The UCITS is in addition traded on exchange under an additional layer of European rules
- Download the brochure « UCITS ETF : a unique European format ».
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