European Public Affairs

The public affairs office keeps AFG informed on the regulatory and political news coming from relevant European and international stakeholders.  It does so by engaging with the relevant institutions, pan-European federations (EFAMA and PensionsEurope) and sister organizations and by holding the annual European conference of AFG in Brussels.

Our Brussels Office

From its office in Brussels, the AFG promotes the profession’s interests vis-à-vis European and international bodies.

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Latest Articles

manifeste fr
Le financement de l’autonomie stratégique doit être au cœur des priorités de l’Union des marchés des capitaux (UMC). L’UMC doit…
Manifeste AFG
During its European conference in Brussels on February 1, AFG publishes its manifesto and reaffirms the crucial role of asset…
Le 14 septembre, la Commission Européenne a publié sa consultation très attendue sur la révision du Règlement Sustainable Finance Disclosure…
On 5 October 2023, European Parliament rapporteur Stéphanie Yon-Courtin (Renew Europe) published her draft report concerning the Retail Investment Strategy…


new une site afgau16janv24 conf1er fév24 (1) Evénement passé
The AFG was pleased to host its annual Brussels conference, this year focused on « Towards the 2030s: Empowering EU Financial…
Thursday, February 1st 2024
Bruxelles, Sofitel Bruxelles Europe
